A Strong Mind, Body & Spirit Connection, Changes the Trajectory of our Destiny!
This is one of the many first insights I received on my journey to healing. As many of us have experienced, years of trauma and suppression leads to perpetual anxiety, depression, anger and/or a state of being void of emotion. My name is Haley Kocinski, and trauma… trauma was a visible identity for the first 15 years of my life, and a hidden identity for many years later. After many failed attempts of ending my experience here on earth, life went on. A guiding light and loving presence outside of what I had available to me in the physical, kept me motivated to move forward. No amount of abandonment, physical, emotional, and mental abuse, neglect, and sexual assault were going to break me! As my nervous system placed me into a survival state of emotional freeze, I began my journey of finding my way to heaven on earth. -As within, so without. As below, so above- I found myself experiencing a life changing awakening moments after I declared “I never want to feel this pain ever again!” Trust, that when I mentally stated that I was done feeling such overwhelm one moment and complete numbness another, I had put my entire soul into that statement! And that, was the start to many years of disempowerment turning into empowerment. Years of self hatred turning into self love. Years of being stuck in emotional dysregulation turning into years of bliss, ease and even moments of eagerness to overcome yet another challenge. I began a journey that not only awakened my spiritual remembrance, but most importantly guided me into practices and modalities of healing and growth. A journey that began with my personal coming back home to self, so I can share the same amount of love, guidance and healing to my beloved clients. I do this for you, because I understand what it feels like to be on both sides of the experience. Both emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Through the cultivated camaraderie and mentorship, I am here to bring you closer to inner security, control of your mind and body despite your environment, as well as insight and clarity of your Dharma -which will strengthen our force as a collective and a community. As of 2019, I have been professionally certified in Introspective Hypnosis and Past Life Regression. As of 2015 I began my spiritually lead awakening. With constant guidance from the loving divine, I am also here to mentor anyone going through a similar experience.
What is Hypnosis?
The meditative induction to a deeper state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for deeper a level of responsiveness to suggestion.
-Quickest tool for treating psychological issues.
-Access of an altered state of consciousness while retrieving information and memories that may not be available in a conscious state.
-It connects with the most primitive and emotional brain. (memories)
-It allows us to eliminate pain, remember forgotten events and reprogram behaviors.
-It is used to increase responsiveness and suggestion for lasting change.
-It can treat disorders, addictions, fears, and phobias.
-It is used to mitigate and control physical pain responses.
-It is used to change internal thought patterns and beliefs for peace as well as positive manifestation. (You are no longer your past experience or identity.)
Various States of the Mind
-Beta: Wakeful state where we are alert and conscious. The analytical mind and inner critic is active.
-Alpha: A mild to deep relaxation experienced when our eyes are closed. Blood pressure and stress hormones decrease. Can be experienced during the beginning of meditation or while lying down. This state increases imagination and visualization.
-Theta: Deep meditation and relaxation of the body, light sleep, the realm of the subconscious and deeper creativity. This state can be reached when performing any automatic habitual task like watching movies, daydreaming, reading, meditating, yoga, etc. This state improves your memory and opens one to repressed memories stored in the subconscious mind we may not have access to while fully conscious. While in this state, deep programming and reprogramming takes place. (This is the state reached during hypnosis.)
Conscious Mind
-12% of this mind consists of the critical mind. Mind, reason, logic, and will are involved.
Subconscious Mind
-Reptilian/primitive mind which is involved in association and memory retention through emotion. 88% of our mind is run by this part of our mind. Our past becomes us. *This is why many people rarely change and cycle through the same emotions and triggers.
Law of Attraction
-We always attract into our lives what our emotional equivalent is set at. Are we living in past trauma? If so, we will continue to attract the same outcomes, people, emotional responses, and reasons to grieve, anger, and remain disempowered.
-Physical manifestations such as ailments and bodily pain may occur if unchecked.
-Trauma from bullying, abuse, body shaming, belittlement, narcissism, death of a loved one, fear, etc. need to be healed subconsciously in order to attract, create, and keep positive long term opportunities.
Hypnosis, as well as suggestive programming have been studied at many highly accredited universities. Our universal findings: Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions have the power to positively or negatively alter the expression of our DNA through epigenetics, as well as positively regulate or negatively dysregulate our nervous system of fight, flight, freeze and fawn.
My values
I listen to and understand your unique journey, offering a safe space for exploration and healing.
I guide you through deep personal changes, helping you unlock your true potential.
We build a strong, confidential relationship, ensuring you feel secure and supported.
I encourage continuous self-improvement, helping you evolve and thrive in all aspects of life.